Wow oh! What a great turnout we had for our first annual past presidents meeting. We had 11 past presidents show up reaching all the way back to 1978 -1979 with someone we do not get to see as often as we all wish, Mr. Tom Brashears.
Here is the complete list of Past Presidents that came:
1978-79 Tom Brashears
1997-98  James Carberry
2006-07 Bill Dutton
2007-08 Marlee King
2010-11 Steve Petersen
2012-13 Randall Figgins
2015-16 Kathleen Blake
2016-17 Jim Stretchberry
2018-19 Mike Bieza
2019-20 Dean Axelrod
2020-21 Stacey Lydon
I have to admit I selfishly enjoyed looking around the tables as everyone was giving their update and remembrance from their year.
The common theme that wove through everyone’s presentation was “ROTARY is what you put into it, not what you get out of it“ you can count on me  to help organize this event each year as long as the club wants it. 
Enjoy these photos.
Featured (Left to Right, Stacey Lydon, Tom Brashears, Jim Stretchberry, Mike Bieza, Randall Figgins, Marlee King, Bill Dutton, Steve Petersen, Kathleen Blake, Jim Carberry, Dean Axelrod)