Message from the Prez
It’s 4:30 PM on Monday afternoon and I finally found time to write this week’s message from the President. 
Over the last few days, I have driven twice the Los Angeles area and had the opportunity to observe the massive fires from the safe confines of my car on the freeway.  It brought back memories of fires we have had here on the South Coast.  Such as the Tea Fire, the Jesusita Fire, and the Thomas Fire.  It now looks like more than two dozen people lost their lives, and over 12,000 homes have been destroyed. Hopefully, the winds in the next couple days will not reignite these fires and cause more destruction.
You should have all received an email from District Governor Sherry Sim about Rotarian efforts to help victims of the fire.  In case you missed the email, here is a link to the District Website where you can contribute to this effort:
We resume our regular meeting schedule this week with a meeting on Friday.  To help all of us fulfill our New Year’s Resolutions, our speaker will be Kathy Gruver, an internationally recognized speaker and motivational powerhouse.  It should be a great program.
And two weeks later, we are honored to have our Mayor Randy Rowse address our club about the state of Santa Barbara.  This should be a great opportunity to find out directly about what’s going to happen on State Street, fire protection in Santa Barbara, and what the City is doing about homelessness and affordable housing.
Enjoy your week and I’ll see you on Friday.