Happy Monday fellow Rotarians. 
Hope you all enjoyed our area getting a little rain after such a long dry period.  I had to cancel my Sunday bike ride yesterday due to the wet roads, but it was great to finally see some moisture on the ground after so little rain so far this rainy season.
Last week I received an email on our club’s website asking if we wanted to pickup a Rotary trophy from San Marcos High School. Not knowing what to expect, I was surprised to be given the huge trophy below, which apparently our club bestowed upon the winner of the County’s annual Science Fair Competition from 1956 until 2012.  The trophy has all of the winners of the Science Fair, and is held each year by the winner’s school. Each winner’s name was inscribed on the trophy.  Although I have been a member of our club since 2001, I was not aware that we even awarded such an award.  Perhaps one of our older members can shed some light on this award for our club and may know why we discontinued awarding it.  Meanwhile, I have asked our Youth Services Committee Chair, Margo Byrne, to investigate if we can reinstitute this long-standing award.
Marlee King, our Club Services Chair has asked me to announce that at our meeting of February 7 we will be having a Special Valentines lunch with fun games and prizes.  You do not need to bring a Valentine, the fun is for everyone!  Hope you can make it.
This Friday, we will be hosting Santa Barbara Mayor Randy Rowse,  as a our speaker.  Many of you may know Randy in his prior role as the long-time owner of the Paradise Restaurant on Anacapa Street. I have known Randy since I came to town 24 years ago, and have found him to be an independent minded citizen politician with a true love of our community. He will be giving us an update on what’s going on with our City government. This will be a great meeting to bring guests or potential new members.  Please remember to RSVP early so we can get a good count of participants for the restaurant.